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Analyzing China's New Energy Action Plan

Updated: Mar 12, 2023

by Owen Morgan

China, the world's largest emitter of carbon dioxide, has recently announced its plans to increase its carbon emissions until reaching peak emission in 2030, and then decrease and become net zero by 2060. China in recent years, has made heavy investments in renewable energies making them the largest producer of wind and solar energy in the world. China produces copious amounts of renewable energy and yet they plan to increase their carbon emissions for another 7 years.

China's decision to increase its carbon emissions until 2030 is part of its broader strategy to continue its economic growth and development. China's priority for the last few years has been its economic growth, fueled by its reliance on fossil fuels, particularly coal. While China has made significant investments in renewable energy sources such as wind and solar, it is still heavily dependent on coal for energy production, to keep its economy flourishing. China's economic growth has had significant benefits for its people, with a large proportion of the population now enjoying a higher standard of living. However, with the earth already on the verge of irreversible damage from greenhouse gas emissions, China’s new policy is highly flawed. The policy lacks the foundation or steps in place for a transition and just pushes off the issue of decreasing emissions to a later date that may never come.

Increasing carbon emissions until 2030 will only exacerbate the already dire situation at hand, leading to irreversible damage to the planet. It is essential for countries to take immediate and significant action to reduce their carbon footprint and transition to cleaner, renewable energy sources. China's decision to delay action for another decade will put the world's future at risk, and the consequences could be catastrophic.

Not only is China’s plan flawed but it is driven by economic greed. With their investments in renewable energy, China has the ability to power their country with green energy but so much of their economy comes from their exportation of coal, they are unwilling to do so.

Finally, the lack of transparency around China's plan is also worrying. Without clear and transparent reporting mechanisms, it is challenging to hold countries accountable for their emission reduction targets. It is crucial for China to provide details on how it plans to achieve its carbon reduction goals and how it will measure progress toward those goals. Without transparency, it is impossible to assess whether China is making adequate progress toward a sustainable future.

In conclusion, China's new policy to increase carbon emissions until 2030 and then decrease emissions to become net zero by 2060 is a step in the wrong direction. The world is already facing severe consequences from climate change, and countries must take immediate and significant action to reduce their carbon footprint. China, as the world's largest emitter of carbon dioxide, has a significant responsibility to lead by example and set an ambitious target to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. The lack of transparency around China's plan is also concerning and must be addressed to ensure accountability and progress toward a more sustainable future.

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