Our Story
The Sycamore Institute started in December of 2019 when a group of New York University students got together to discuss the difficulty of breaking into the national security and foreign policy sectors as an undergraduate tsudent. By Feburary of the following year, Sycamore Insitute had it's first Branch at NYU comprised of approcitly a dozen students.. However only a couple weeks after their first meeting COVID began to spread throughout the United States and NYU sent their students home for remote learning. While it originally seemed like the idea of Sycamore would have to be put on pause, the pandemic offered a unique opportunity to connect with students across the country facing similar struggles. Within 6 months Sycamore spread across the country and was in the process of creating its first 100+ page policy journal. Cut toalmost 3 years later and The Sycamore Insitute is comprised at branches in five universities and has over 120 volunteers worked tirelessly to make the national security and foreign policy secotrs more accessbile to students across the country!